What is the “Yellow Phantom”? Justin Smith finds out

This little yellow capsule is travelling around Melbourne.
It was spotted by 3AW listener Melinda on Beach Road, Brighton, on Monday. Justin Smith has also spotted the curious little vehicle in the past few days.
Justin has dubbed it the Yellow Phantom.
Melinda told Justin it seemed “incredibly dangerous”.
“It has no flag, no lights, no way of indication,” she said.
“It was covered across the roof and partly around the side, so his visibility would have been very poor.”
Click PLAY to hear Melinda’s story
VicRoads’ Roger Chao said the vehicle is known as a recumbent tricycle.
“Bicycle road rules apply to any vehicle that has two or more wheels and is moved by human power,” Mr Chao said.
Individuals using bicycles are required to obey all standard bicycle road rules, such as wearing a compliant and securely fitted bicycle helmet.
“As is the case with all vehicles, road safety is our top priority,” Mr Chao said.