Watch the Phillip Island Penguin Parade from your living room

From Tuesday, you can indulge in some nature from the comfort of your own living room.
Phillip Island’s much-loved penguin parade is being live streamed nightly.
It’s believed to be the world’s first nightly live stream of a natural wildlife event at a regular time, with expert commentary.
CEO of Phillip Island Nature Parks, Catherine Basterfield, said local rangers will provide a glimpse behind the scenes.
“Our rangers who work at the penguin parade will be providing some live commentary on the penguin characters,” she told Ross and Russel.
The parade will be free to stream, and will run nightly “for the foreseeable future”.
“I think at the moment penguins just put a smile on everyone’s faces, and that’s what we need right now,” Ms Basterfield said.
Press PLAY below for more.
Watch the penguin parade nightly from 6pm (beginning Tuesday) HERE.
Press PLAY below for a test of the live stream.