Victorian treasurer concerned by ‘China bashing’ amid COVID-19 pandemic

Victorian treasurer Tim Pallas has jumped to the defence of China amid the coronavirus pandemic.
He told Neil Mitchell he was unhappy with the “China bashing” going on in some sections of the community.
The treasurer said Victoria would press on with its relationship with China into the future, despite concerns from some about how the government has handled the virus.
“I’ve got to say, I’ve been a little disconcerted by the attacks upon China,” Mr Pallas said.
“There’s no doubt the Chinese have demonstrated a way through this.
“They were slow in responding to the emergence of the disease … but I will make the point that China has been making a genuine effort to assist other countries, right across the world, and I don’t think we should be engaging in a process of China bashing.
“They are carrying their weight, I hope the United States carries their weight, in terms of their contributions to the World Health Organisation.”
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