Tom Elliott puts the Treasurer to the test on Australian music!

Tom Elliott has put the treasurer to the test following Malcolm Turnbull’s lacklustre rendition of You’re The Voice.
And Scott Morrison passed with flying colours!
Click PLAY below to jump in the studio and see!
On a more serious note, Treasury has been given the reins to investigate allegations surrounding misconduct within the Australian Tax Office.
Some of the agency’s former staffers claim the ATO targeted vulnerable people who would be less likely to challenge incorrect tax statements.
Treasurer Scott Morrison told Tom Elliott while the accusations were serious, it was important to strike the right balance when handling the issue.
He said he’d be “horrified” if ATO workers were abusing their role.
“It’s their job to go about collecting the revenue of the Commonwealth in the most fair and efficient and judicious way they can,” he said.
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview