EXCLUSIVE: Tim Smith breaks silence, dodges questions about how much he drank

Disgraced Liberal drink-drive MP Tim Smith has begged for forgiveness from voters in a bizarre interview in which he claimed he blew 0.131 after only “a couple” of glasses of wine.
Speaking publicly for the first time since he crashed his car into a Hawthorn home on Saturday while driving with a blood alcohol reading more than double the legal limit, Mr Smith apologised “profusely”.
Mr Smith later updated his alcohol intake that day to “a few” glasses of wine upon pressure from Neil Mitchell.
Mr Smith continued to obfuscate about exactly how much he drank on Saturday, but went on to claim a lack of eating was to blame for his lack of understanding as to his level of intoxication.
He strongly denied he had drunk anything other than wine.
“I was shocked and amazed by what happened, in regards to the reading,” he said.
Mr Smith said he’s not an alcoholic, but has certainly “consumed too much alcohol on many occasions” and will quit drinking while in public life.
TIM SMITH: “I had a few glasses of wine, yeah.”
NEIL MITCHELL: “But a few isn’t 0.13 That’s a few bottles.
TIM SMITH: “I certainly didn’t have a few bottles, I’m sorry, I certainly didn’t.”
NEIL MICHELL: But 0.13 is not just a few glasses. Do you accept that?
TIM SMITH: “Absolutely.”
The disgraced MP has not yet made a decision on whether he’ll seek pre-selection for Kew.
He doesn’t believe he’s “blowing up” Matthew Guy’s chances of winning an election if he seeks pre-selection.
“I don’t think that’s how the members in Kew are looking at it,” he said.
“They’re very disappointed, they’re very angry and I suppose the key question for them … is should one horrendously poor judgement render someone’s career over immediately?”
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