Three platypuses have been found dead in the Albury Botanic Gardens over the last five weeks

In the last 5 weeks, three platypuses have been found dead in the Albury Botanic Gardens.
The platypuses appear to have been deliberately killed in a sickening act of cruelty.
Speaking on 3AW Drive, Albury Mayor, Kevin Mack, said it appears someone has been trapping fish in nets and the platypuses have been caught then deliberately killed.
‘We don’t think this person is in right mind, I don’t know where we go from here, but we have a reward and we are putting it out there and hoping it creates some interest in the community to bring someone forward’
Mr Mack said police are disgusted by the incidents.
‘You’d be paying them too much homage calling them an animal, it goes beyond that, they’re like a monster that is praying on an endangered species’, he said.
It is an offence under the National Parks and Wildlife Act to harm native animals and penalties include a fine of up to $11,000 and or six months imprisonment.
Anyone with information is urged to contact the National Parks and Wildlife Service on 6947 7025.
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