The school that’s said goodbye to skirts and dresses for junior girls to get them active

Junior students at a girls school in Melbourne’s north-west will only be allowed to wear shorts and pants in a new uniform policy to encourage students to be more active.
Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School introduced the new uniforms to say goodbye to skirts and dresses, after the school into why girls weren’t as active as boys of the same age.
Principal Elisabeth Rhodes told Ross and John the girls felt “inhibited” from play in a dress or skirt.
It applies to children in kindergarten, prep and year one.
“It’s really important to us our girls are able to be really physically active, develop good upper body strength and coordination,” she said.
“One of the reasons that they told just they weren’t moving around as much as they could is because they felt inhibited in a dress and skirt.
“These new uniforms allow them to move really freely during the day, no matter what they are doing.”
From year two, the girls can choose what they wear.
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