The biggest issues facing young people
Will young people lead better, healthier and longer lives than the generation before them?
3AW Drive undertook to find out from the experts.
HEALTH – Are young people leading healthier lives?
Associate Professor Cassandra Szoeke from Melbourne University said the next generation are equipped with the knowledge to lead healthier lifestyles.
‘There’s every reason why our children should have better health than we did,’ she said.
‘People are more overweight year after year.’
EDUCATION AND ECONOMICS – Do young people have better access to jobs?
Foundation for Young Australians CEO Jan Owen 25 per cent of young people weren’t able to use their skill sets despite having better access to tertiary education.
‘We put out a report last year about whether young people were better off in their early 20s today than their parents 30 years ago,’ she said.
‘There is no doubt on every indicator actually our young people are worse off.’