THANK YOU: Paying tribute to the health workers who got us through the pandemic

As Victoria reflects on yesterday’s welcome day of no new coronavirus cases, Ross and Russel have declared today ‘Thank Health Worker Day’.
“Thanks to all the nurses and midwives. It’s been a battle and they have been the people, along with doctors, and nurses, and cleaners, and the like, who went to work everyday putting themselves in the firing line,” Ross said.
State Secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Lisa Fitzpatrick, said the effort put in by medical workers to fight COVID-19 has been nothing short of “extraordinary”.
“Every shift, every day, continuing to turn up despite many testing positive themselves, many being unwell, many being close contacts and having to be furloughed and worrying about family,” she told Ross and Russel.
“It’s been an amazing effort by everybody.”
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