RUMOUR CONFIRMED: VicRoads investigates school
VicRoads has launched an investigation into why a school is using its licence templates for pen licences at school.
“Licence Nonsense” told The Rumour File a staff member from VicRoads came to the school in Melbourne’s north west on Wednesday.
The school was using a template from Google to personalise the clearly fake licences to give to grade four students when they passed the test.
That prompted a visit from VicRoads.
“The school was perplexed that this was how they spent their time,” the Rumour File was told.
VicRoads gave the following statement to 3AW Breakfast.
“VicRoads was made aware of what appeared to be a legitimate Victorian Driver’s licence template being used at the school.”
“VicRoads visited the school to make sure the school was not targeted by people wanting to reproduce licences illegally.”
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