Rumour confirmed: Tiger fan flies back from Europe just for the weekend

Yesterday The Rumour File heard a Melbourne man was going to cut his European holiday short to be at the MCG on Saturday.
This morning 3AW Breakfast spoke with the crazed-fan-in-question Anthony Kyrkou.
“I was on a five-week holiday in Europe but I’ve cut it short to come and see the Tigers play this Saturday,” Anthony said.
“I’m here for the weekend then on Tuesday I fly back to Athens for about another two weeks.”
But Anthony doesn’t even have a ticket secured for the game and is planning to line up bright and early outside the MCG on Saturday morning.
Flights set Anthony back around $2000, but he said, “It’s a once in a 37-year opportunity.”
He has cheekily started a crowd funding page to try and raise funds to pay for his flights.
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