Rumour confirmed: Scout leader sends email to parents urging ‘No’ vote to marriage equality
A Scout Leader from regional Victoria has sent an email to parents promoting a ‘No’ vote to same-sex marriage, claiming it would be harmful to children’s development.
First heard on The Rumour File, parents of children from the Kilmore scouts received a lengthy email from Scout Leader Fred Merlo detailing his views on same-sex marriage.
“Same-sex marriage would promote unethical commercial surrogacy and the commodification of children,” Merlo said.
“Changing the marriage laws would provide the government endorsement of same-sex behaviour and its subsequent promotion such as the controversial ‘Safe Schools Coalition Program’ which aims to promote homosexuality in our schools.”
Parent Fiona later confirmed to Ross and John that she received the email.
“We were really shocked, it was horrible,” she said.
“I just don’t think it’s the right platform to be putting his view out.”
Scouts Victoria responded by sending another email apologising for Merlo’s comments.
“Personal views are personal and no-one is entitled to use Scouting to promote their own position,” Region Commissioner Alan Harding stated.
Merlo has since resigned.
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A copy of the email can be seen below.