Renters ‘uncertain, unsure and anxious’ as end of rental moratorium looms

Victoria’s rental moratorium preventing landlords from evicting tenants because they are behind on their rent is set to end on March 28.
But chief executive of Tenants Victoria Jennifer Beveridge, fears it will leave many tenants facing eviction.
“We’re starting to hear stories that people are being issued with notices to vacate,” she told Dee Dee.
“What we’re concerned about is that there are still people who don’t have money to pay their rent.
“People are back in that experience of being uncertain, and unsure, and anxious about what’s to come.”
Ms Beveridge said tenants should be aware that new rental laws mean they can no longer be evicted with 120 days notice without a reason.
“Now, if evictions are to happen there needs to be a reason,” she said.
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