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Pool construction company leaves Victorians in the lurch

Article image for Pool construction company leaves Victorians in the lurch


Victorians have been left in the lurch by a swimming pool construction company that they say has ceased all communication with them after taking payment for pools.

More than half a dozen people have contacted Neil Mitchell to share their concerns over Dreamtime Pools, with some customers currently more than $50,000 out of pocket and nothing to show for it.

George* told Neil Mitchell he signed an agreement with Dreamtime Pools in May 2022 and was told there were delays due to flooding affecting the pool manufacturer. He’s paid almost $35,000 to Dreamtime Pools and has since been told the company has gone into administration.

Press PLAY below to hear what happened to George

Chair of the Consumers’ Federation of Australia, Gerard Brody, says the company has “treated its customers, it looks like, with disdain”.

“The regulators, including Consumer Affairs and the Victorian Building Authority, should be investigating,” he said.

Press PLAY below to hear Mr Brody’s advice for anyone caught up in the Dreamtime Pools fiasco

3AW Mornings has contacted Dreamtime Pools and has not yet received a response.

Another Victorian pool construction company, Pools R Us, went into liquidation earlier this month.

*not his real name
