Petition to ban a new type of rapid-fire shotguns from Australia
A Turkish shotgun called the ADLER A110 is a new type of rapid-fire gun and it’s for sale in Australia.
A Turkish shotgun called the ADLER A110 Photo: Clayton Firearms
Walter Mikac, founder of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, has started a petition to have the gun banned.
Walter: – ‘What happens if one of those weapons gets used in a school or in our community,
there is going to be outrage, but we can prevent it here and now by acting.’
Neil: – ‘You actually feel that gun laws are slipping backwards, don’t you?’
Walter: – ‘Well, I do, and we don’t want that.’
Walter’s wife Nanette and his 2 children, Alannah and Madeline were killed in the Port Arthur massacre almost 20 years ago.
Click HERE to visit the AMF website and sign the petition.
Click PLAY to listen to Neil speak with Walter Mikac about the new petition