Old military vehicles ousted from ANZAC Day parade

Cars made before 2010 will be banned from this year’s ANZAC Day Parade, the RSL citing emissions and safety as the main concern around older vehicles.
Brigadier Michael Annett, CEO at the RSL Victorian Branch, told Neil Mitchell no cars older than 2010 will be allowed in the march unless they’re ‘compliant’.
“We’ve had some concerns for a few years in terms of emissions from older vehicles,” Brigadier Annett said.
“The fumes are a worry.
“A lot of these vehicles have to idle for large periods of time and that affects not only those people who are standing directly behind these cars in the march and also the people who come to watch.
When Neil said without old vehicles the parade would lose some of its romanticism and colour Brigadier Annett said he “puts safety before colour”.
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Brigadier Annett also said the plan is a guideline only and this year drivers will be required to have a police check.
Photo: AAP