Melbourne council sets up new soft plastic recycling scheme
A Melbourne council has set up a new soft plastics recycling scheme for locals following the collapse of REDcycle.
But the council warns it’s only a “short-term” alternative, and state and federal governments need to work to find viable larger-scale soft plastic recycling solutions.
“We need a longer term solution that’s not confined to a local council,” Monash mayor Tina Samardzija told Heidi Murphy, filling in for Tom Elliott.
Monash Council has partnered with Dandenong-based company APR Plastics, which will turn the soft plastics into oil which can be used to produce more soft plastic packaging.
From today, Monash residents can drop off their soft plastics at the Monash Waste Transfer Station in Notting Hill.
The scheme is expected to run until mid-2023.
Press PLAY below to learn how to Monash residents can recycle their soft plastics