How some over 60 are ‘robbing’ their kids and grandkids of getting back to school

Those over 60 who are insisting on receiving the Pfizer vaccine are “robbing” their children and grandchildren of the chance to get back to school, according to a lobby group of parents who want kids back in the classroom.
Professor Caroline Dowling is part of the “VCE What’s The Plan Dan” group and welcomed news VCE students would be given priority access to Pfizer so they can sit exams.
But many parents are reporting significant troubles getting a booking.
There are still significant supply with issues with Pfizer, with many people over 60 opting for that jab over AstraZeneca, despite AstraZeneca being the recommended vaccine for them.
“If you’ve got kids or grandchildren, you are robbing those kids and grandchildren the opportunity to go back to school,” Professor Dowling said on 3AW.
She said sitting exams in person would be a big win in what has been a torrid 18 months for Victorian students.
“They’ve had every other rite of passage as year 12s stripped away – every single one,” she said.
“If they get to sit their exams, then at least they’ll have that.”
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