How listening to Tony Tardio read the news may have saved Mark Allen’s life

Although bowel cancer is Australia’s second deadliest cancer, the signs aren’t as widely recognised as many other types of cancer.
3AW presenter and former golfer Mark Allen wants to change that.
He was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer in 2018.
He was 49.
“The only reason I was going was there was a tiny bit of red blood when I used to wipe my bum,” he told Ross and Russel.
The first time Allen visited a doctor to share his concerns he was diagnosed with hemorrhoids.
But then he heard Tony Tardio reading the 3AW news, and decided to get a second opinion.
“Tony Tardio was reading the news and the story was Australia was number two behind Switzerland for curing bowel cancer,” he said.
“I heard that and I thought … I better go back and check again.
“I know there are people listening to this radio station now and it’ll be clicking in their head — ‘You know, every once in a while I do wipe my bum and see a little bit of blood’ — Just go and get it checked.”
Press PLAY below to hear Marko’s message for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month