Dressed for offence? Toby Mitchell social media photo sparks outlaw bikie concerns

Former Bandidos enforcer Toby Mitchell appears to have changed colours, sparking fears of escalating tensions within outlaw bikie ranks.
Mitchell survived two shooting attempts on his life during his time as a patched member of the Bandidos.
But, about five years after he left the feared outlaw motorcycle gang, the former Bandidos sergeant-at-arms has posted a picture of himself on social media wearing a Mongols T-shirt, the Herald Sun reports.
The newspaper reports the highly public move is likely to prompt a strong response from Victoria Police in an effort to quell any potential escalation of rivalry between the two gangs.
Click PLAY to hear Herald Sun journalist Anthony Dowsley detail the story with Kate + Quarters on 3AW Breakfast
Mitchell is very active on Instagram, boasting 34,000 followers.
He most recently posted a photo of himself with friends including former Richmond footballer Jake King at a martial arts fight.