Bob Hart’s Recipe for Lamb Cutlets
First choose your cutlets – as always, from a butcher you would trust with your life. Look for cutlets with tiny eyes of meat, Have your butcher cut them into individual cutlets, and smack them once. That way, they will lie perfectly on the grill and cook evenly, And you can cook them very little, that way.
Cook them as carefully as you cooked that steak a few weeks ago, but nowhere near at much: young lamb has to be cooked quickly, and not very much, to retain its flavour and moistness. The worst thing you can do to a rack or two of cutlets is to overcook them.
So try, after bringing them back to room temperature and lightly seasoning them with salt, pepper and perhaps a touch of fresh rosemary, to fire up up your (covered) grill to a significant temperarure.
Cook them at 45 degrees to the grill bars, but not for too much more than three minutes in total, and certainly no more than four. Divide the time evenly between four positions – the first position as described, flipped, turned through 90 degrees and flipped again. Then, OFF! The grill temperature should be around 240C, or a bit more if you’re brave.
And once you have cooked them? Apply some red current jelly, and open a bottle of your best pinot!