Australian scientists develop game changing blood test for diabetes

Australian scientists are working towards developing a blood test, that may be a pointer for type one diabetes.
The team at the St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research has previously been able to show how immune cells destroy the body’s insulin producing cells in the pancreas, targeting a molecule called C-peptide.
The Herald Sun reports the team is now developing a blood test to measure the immune response to this molecule, which may lead to the development of type one diabetes.
One issue is that auto-immune disease takes a long time to develop and even if you had a vaccine, it would take a long time to know if it worked.
It’s hoped the blood test would give scientists the answer more quickly, so they know if the immune response is heading in the right direction.
The team’s research will be boosted today with a $150,000 injection, as part of the Diabetes Australia millennium Award.
Written by Gail Watson