AFL open to scrapping rookie list

The AFL has had contact from a number of clubs with the suggestion to scrap the rookie list.
Under the current format each club is allowed six rookie’s on its list, however under a new format those six positions would be on the primary playing list with those players eligible for selection every week.
‘It’s been put to us by some clubs that we could just have the one list,’ AFL Operations Manager Mark Evans told Sports Today.
‘The benefit for the club is they can play anybody to play on any given day, according to form.
‘That’s a good bit of flexibility.’
One of the positives for rookie lists from a club point of view is the salary cap flexibility it provides.
Evans said the AFL has not shut down the idea.
‘We’re actually open to look at it.’
‘Particularly if it provides a more fluent, flexible structure. But we wouldn’t want to create necessarily an ability for a club to just have one big super list.’
Some of the stars of the modern era including Matthew Priddis, Kieren Jack, Josh Gibson and Shane Mumford were all introduced to the AFL through the rookie list.
Click PLAY to hear Mark Evans on the rookie list