What the Google suspension means for Huawei phone users
Google is severing ties with Chinese smartphone producer, Huawei.
The move comes after the Trump administration put a ban on US companies doing business with Huawei, amid fears that the Chinese company poses a risk to American security.
Tech expert Geoff Quattromani said the suspension of trade between the two companies may cause problems for Huawei users in the future.
“Google obviously trades with Huawei for their operating systems. All Huawei phones actually run Android, which is made by Google’s parent company, Alphabet,” he told 3AW’s Tom Elliott.
The ban will not affect users immediately, but in the future, as apps are updated, they’re unlikely to be supported on Huawei devices.
But Huawei phone users shouldn’t panic.
“We don’t actually think that this ban will be in place forever. It is unlikely that it will last for more than a year,” Mr Quattromani said.
Huawei is the second most popular smartphone company in Australia in terms of handset sales this year.
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