Neil Mitchell clashes with youth climate coalition over student “strike”

School students as young as five will “strike” tomorrow, heading to the steps of state parliament to protest about climate change.
It’s claimed students came up with the idea, a claim Neil Mitchell finds very interesting.
“Do you really think five-year-olds understand the issues and science involved here?” he asked.
“Come on…”
Laura Sykes is the National Schools Program Director at the Australia Youth Climate Coalition.
“It was organised by a bunch of school students from Castlemaine who were inspired by young people in Sweden who have been striking from school every Friday the last few weeks,” she explained.
“These students contacted us and asked for support.”
She said they were expecting 600 to 800 students.
“They’re standing up for their future because politicians at the moment aren’t listening,” Ms Sykes said.
She said there would “definitely” be five-year-olds at the protest because they wanted action.
But their parents are also expected to attend.
“But the five-year-olds have convinced their parents to come? Not the other way around?” Neil Mitchell asked.
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