Neil Mitchell Asks Why: The interview that brought Kerry O’Brien to tears
For more than 40 years Kerry O’Brien was beamed into our lounge rooms, and the veteran journalist developed a reputation as a hard-nosed political interviewer.
Now, in retirement, he’s opened up in a very personal interview on the Neil Mitchell Asks Why podcast.
Speaking to Neil Mitchell, he revealed the interview that brought tears to his eyes.
“I could feel myself going, I felt the tears coming to my eyes, I felt my voice breaking,” the veteran journalist said.
Listen to the deeply personal interview on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, wherever you get your podcasts, or via the webplayer below
In this episode of Neil Mitchell Asks Why, Kerry O’Brien also shares why he almost joined the army, how he got kicked out of school and what he thinks of the state of journalism in 2023.
Image: Chris Hyde/Getty Images