EPA launches free garden soil testing program
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has launched a free soil testing service.
Victorians are encouraged to submit three garden soil samples which are screened for contaminants including lead, arsenic and chromium.
Soil composition and levels of nutrients including phosphorous and potassium are also measured.
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Victoria’s Chief Environmental Scientist at Environment Protection Authority, Professor Mark Taylor, says it’s important people know what’s in their garden so they can remediate it or work around it.
In inner-metropolitan areas, lead is a particular concern, while in gold mining regions, arsenic contamination may be an issue.
“We just published a study that looked at the relationship between soil in your garden and contaminants inside your home …and we showed that 60 per cent of the stuff inside homes, in terms of trace elements, is related to the contaminants in your yard,” Professor Taylor said.
Victorians can register for the program HERE.