The reassuring Triple Zero operator who managed to stay calm
The Triple Zero operator who took a frantic, terrifying call from a woman who’d given birth to her baby at nearly 26 weeks at home has described how she managed to stay so calm.
There was a huge reaction yesterday when Neil Mitchell played the incredible audio of Colleen Constante’s call for Thank a Paramedic Day.
When paramedics arrived, they performed CPR on Lucas’s tiny heart.
READ MORE: The incredible 000 call and Neil Mitchell’s interview with Lucas’s parents
But one of the other heroes was Jessica Wade, the woman who took the 000 call.
Today she told Neil Mitchell she was lucky enough to meet Lucas for the first time, 18 months since she answered the phone for one of the most intense calls of her career.
‘That was terrifying to say the least,’ she said.
‘That’s always going to be one I remember, it’s always different when the caller is by themselves.
‘She’d birthed the baby before I’d even talked to her, it’s just amazing.’
LISTEN: Jessica Wade on the call she’ll never forget