The new word added to the Macquarie Dictionary (and four others that are under consideration)
A new word has been added to the Macquarie Dictionary.
Cheugy, defined as “following out-of-date trends”, has just been added.
Four other words are also being closely watched by editors:
- Phubbing — “The act of snubbing someone you are with by playing on a mobile phone.”
- Neopronoun — “An invented pronoun for a third or non-binary gender.”
- Wokescold — “To criticise someone for not having views that are left-leaning or ‘woke’ enough.”
- Teenior — “A senior citizen who is acting like a stereotypical teenager.”
But senior editor of the Macquarie Dictionary, Victoria Morgan, says editors don’t ultimately decide what goes into the dictionary — that’s the job of the public.
“It’s not us personally who decide, really, it’s if we can establish that there’s enough usage of it in the general public, and cheugy, definitely, has made the cut,” she told Stephen Quartermain and Emily Power, filling in for Ross and Russel.
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