Faulty Takata airbags: VicRoads urged to suspend car registrations

Victorian drivers could have their car registrations cancelled for failing to get faulty Takata airbags fixed.
Airbags in more than 3 million cars across the country have been replaced, but there are still 425,000 cars at risk, including 20,000 vehicles which are flagged as “critical”.
Victoria’s peak automotive industry body, the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC), is calling on VicRoads to suspend the registrations of cars which are at critical risk.
Cars flagged as critical have a 50 per cent chance of shooting shrapnel into the cabin of the car as they’re deployed, putting those inside the vehicle at risk.
VACC Chief Executive Geogg Gwilym said he believes many people are ignoring the warnings.
“Probably a large proportion of people are just not motivated enough to get that airbag changed,” he said.
“What we don’t want to do is to read a headline one day that somebody has received multiple notices to get an airbag changed, and they’ve ignored them.”
Check the safety of your airbag here.